About Us

We offer a worldwide service


Welcome to this site, we have been in the reclaimed flooring, demolition and reclamation business for over 30 years. Consequently, have a wealth of experience in cleaning and preparing reclaimed parquet flooring to enable end users to fit it without further preparation.

We have cleaned and transformed some of the most inferior looking parquet floors. Some of these floors looked nothing more than old firewood, but once cleaned, looked fit for a palace. 

Most end users, probably like yourself have purchased the flooring from a market place or a reclamation yard or perhaps removed it from your own property only to want to relay it. 

Most end users store their floors for months/years in their garage to clean and fit later. The majority of the time, that later date never arrives and this is probably how you have found us. 

There are many videos to be watched on YouTube where fitters and even end users will tell you that the bitumen can stay on and doesn't have to be removed - and quite rightly.  You are quite within your rights to fit uncleaned parquet, but run a high risk of detachment at a later date. There are many modern adhesives on the market that claim to be suitable to use with bitumenised parquet blocks - this is misleading, please read the small print. These adhesives are only suitable for use with remnants of bitumen. Remnant is defined as: a part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been used, removed, or destroyed. Therefore, these modern adhesive manufacturers do not cover you if a problem occurs after you have fitted your parquet floor. It is a large investment fitting a parquet flooring, so you may as well fit your floor the correct way!

No matter where you are worldwide, it’s as simple as box up your flooring, put it on a pallet and send or bring it to us.